Portland, OR
The saying goes: “Keep Portland weird.” So of course there are creative authors in the unique Oregon city. When authors aren’t busy frequenting Timbers and Trail Blazers games or taking a quick trip to the famous Oregon Coast, they’re writing. Peanut Butter Publishing proudly serves the Portland metro area. Writers reach out to us when they’re ready for their voices to be heard and their stories to be shared. Taking the first step towards publishing is hard, but we can help you take it.
Peanut Butter Publishing Books in the Portland Area:
Saved by the Enemy by Craig A. Ledbetter

We are proud to say that this book was one of the top selling on Amazon Kindle. It’s a beautiful story and reveals many truths.
Framed in the historical time line from Hitler’s rise to power and the end of the Nazi regime thirteen years later was a Jewish family, with two young sons, living in Berlin. With the clouds gathering, they realized they had no means to leave and therefore must ride out the storm. Their hopes faded as stricter restrictions were placed on them and the bullying and hatred of the Jews intensified. Suddenly, Kristallnacht erupted and the numbers of killings and deportations surged. The family was repeatedly pushed deeper into the neglected ghettos, and the father was forced into slave labor. The Nazi SS was assigned the task of making Berlin—the center of Hitler’s growing evil empire—Judenfrei (Jewish free). The mother and children had no choice by to flee the terror when it finally arrived at their door; it was already too late for the father. Running into the night, with no other options, the mother contacted a woman who might be either a friend or an enemy.
“The name Craig Ledbetter should be a familiar one to long-time Howler readers…The author did a good job telling concurrent accounts of the history of Fascism taking over Germany in the late thirties, through its demise at the end of the war and telling the story of the family and their methods of survival during this chaotic, surreal time. The historic side of the story alone was enlightening to me, with facts I was not aware of, such as the Free World’s collective decision to basically let Hitler have his way with Germany until they absolutely had to stand up to him. The account of the plight of the Taucher family and the methods they used to survive is unreal…To live minute by minute in this situation had to be gut-wrenching. Equally surprising was the number of gentile Germans who went out of their way to help the family, knowing full well the consequences should they be caught…The book is also filled with pictures that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum supplied.”
– THE HOWLER MAGAZINE, Tamirindo Costa Rica, Jaime Peligro
Optimal Care in Childbirth by Henci Goer and Amy Romano

Peanut Butter publishing or Classic Day publishing published this book for authors in Oregon’s southern neighbor, California. This book has been and is still in high demand. The extremely intelligent and educated authors created a book that is helpful in hospitals and homes.
This book addresses these three very important questions: What practices and policies best promote safe, healthy, satisfying labor and birth? What harms do routine or frequent use of tests, procedures, and restrictions introduce? What nonmedical factors drive the current maternity care system?
All readers who are planning to start a family and in the maternity care field should read this book. It pulls back the curtain on medical-model management of childbirth. It’s written for those who want to practice according to the best evidence, assist women in making informed decisions, or advocate for maternity care reforms. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the evidence basis for physiological care as the standard of care.
“Optimal Care in Childbirth is a long overdue and very important contribution that will lead to more safe, san, and satisfying pregnancy care system.”
– Steven Calvin, M.D., Clinical Associate Professor, Maternal-Fetal Medicine University of Minnesota School of Medicine
2013 Book of the Year – American College of Nurse-Midwives
“This book is about evidence with attitude. Meticulously referenced, it addresses all the main issues that must be faced if our dysfunctional maternity care system is to be challenged and changed.The central debates in the field are dissected to allow the reader to understand why the existing methodologies often are incapable of disentangling the disputes, leaving the field open to powerful professional interest group biases and conflicts of interest. It is not pretty stuff but much needed.”
– Michael C. Klein, MD, CCFP, FAAP (Neonatal-Perinatal), FCFP, ABFP, FCPS
The Art & Life of Eloise June Johnson by Samuel S. Johnson

Many come to Peanut Butter publishing or Classic Day publishing to show their appreciation and love for someone lost. A high quality book that lasts years and years and can be passed on from one generation to another is a relic worth pursuing. Who wouldn’t want a book written about their great-great-great relative?
This book is a biography of Eloise June Johnson, but it also features 36 paintings by her with each one having a write up to explain it. This book is beautifully displayed in full-color and oversized. Books are art, and we treat them as such.